Se sei alla ricerca di una ditta abilitata ad operare in spazi confinati (DPR 177/2011) in Veneto sei nel posto giusto. L’azienda P.I. VER. dal 1979 è un punto di riferimento per le bonifiche di impianti industriali nei settori termoelettrico, navale, raffinazione, chimico, cartiero, cemento, acciaierie e fonderie.

La nostra sede si trova a Marghera, in provincia di Venezia, ma operiamo in Veneto e su tutto il territorio Nazionale con precisione e puntualità.

Il miglioramento continuo dei servizi è il nostro principale obiettivo, per questo abbiamo avviato diversi progetti di ricerca con alcune delle principali università italiane.

P.I. VER.: l’azienda abilitata ad operare in spazi confinati (DPR 177/2011) in Veneto

La nostra azienda dispone di tecnici ed esperti professionisti in grado di operare in spazi confinati con grande precisione e tramite l’utilizzo di attrezzature all’avanguardia.

Tutti i nostri operatori sono costantemente formati e hanno maturato numerosi anni di esperienza in ambienti confinati.

I contatti della nostra azienda

Per avere maggiori informazioni sui nostri interventi in spazi confinati (DPR 177/2011) in Veneto chiama subito il numero 041925074 o scrivi una mail a In alternativa puoi compilare il seguente form di contatto; nel più breve tempo possibile un nostro incaricato ti ricontatterà.

Mettiti in contatto con noi

    The undersigned provides, below, the information regarding the use of the personal data released by you by completing this form, in compliance with the rules set out in EU Regulation 2016/679, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free movement of such data (also known as GDPR). The data concerning you, spontaneously provided by you by filling in IT forms, are collected exclusively to allow contact with the company and, possibly, execute the contract concluded with you. The provision by you of the data in question is mandatory; your possible refusal will not allow us to provide you with the product/service you requested (potentially exposing you to liability for breach of contract) and, in any case, to process your request. Within our structure, only the personnel responsible for carrying out data processing operations may become aware of the data, always for the aforementioned purposes. We also remind you that, by making a specific request to the data controller, you will be able to exercise all the rights provided for in articles 15 to 22 of the aforementioned EU Regulation, which allow you, in particular, the right to request access to personal data and to extract copy (art. 15 GDPR), rectification (art. 16 GDPR) and cancellation of the same (art. 17 GDPR), limitation of the processing that concerns you (art. 18 GDPR), data portability (art. 20 GDPR, where the conditions are met) and to object to the processing that concerns you (articles 21 and 22 GDPR, for the hypotheses mentioned therein and, in particular, to processing for marketing purposes or which results in an automated decision-making process, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him, where the conditions exist). We also remind you of your right, if the processing is based on consent, to revoke said consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation; to do this, you can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the data controller at the contact details published on the site itself. We also inform you of the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, as supervisory authority operating in Italy, and to lodge a judicial appeal, both against a decision of the Guarantor Authority and against the owner of the processing itself and/or a data controller.

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